Sunday 18 December 2016

Bava Metzia 83: Regional Provisions as a Standard, Stomach Surgery

We have begun perek VII.  A new Mishna sets into motion a more detailed examination of labourers' rights.  It teaches that when hiring labourers, it is appropriate for their working hours, their wages and their sustenance be in sync with regional customs.  The Mishna speaks specifically of working from early in the morning until late into the evening.  When the son of Rabbi Yochanan ben Matya went to procure labourers, her returned having agreed to three good meals each day.  His father told him that he needed only to offer one meal of legumes and bread, for that was the typical meal of labourers in the region.  

The rabbis argue about who should pay for a labourer's transportation in and out of the centre.  Does the paid work day include transportation from the field back to the city?  The rabbis find a number of texts that speak about the evil and/or sneaky nature of things that come out at night.  It is even suggested that a person found dozing at a tavern in the fourth hour might be suspected of thievery at night - other than Torah scholars, who rose early to learn, day labourers who rose early to work, or those who work with copper wire, who work at night.

We are told the story of Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, who was sent to arrest people who transgressed TOrah law.  He arrested a man who called him "vinegar, the son of wine".  Later, when his anger abated, Rabbi Elazar tried to bail him out, but it was not possible.  And so the laundryman was killed.  He and his father wept at the execution, and others tried to console them by stating that the man was wicked.  In fact, he and his son both lay with an engaged woman on Yom Kippur.

Rabbi Elazar was elated: if my suspicions were right regarding his transgressions, the must also be right regarding certainties!  Thus my belly and innards can rest.  Worms and maggots are not going to affect me; I am one of the righteous!  But he continued to be anxious, and he had surgery done on his stomach.  When the fat removed did not putrefy, this was thought to be proof that he was not living with a disease that was the consequence of his bad behaviour.

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