Thursday 2 July 2015

Nedarim 38: Prophets are Mighty, Wealthy, Wise and Humble...?

All prophets were said to be physically mighty, wealthy, wise and humble.  But how was Moses wealthy?  It is said that as the tablets were carved of precious gems, shavings were left behind.  Moses carried these away, becoming wealthy.  Okay, so he was wealthy.  But how was Moses mighty?  He was known to be tall and thin, or weak.  The proof that he was mighty is an obvious fact: he carried the two tablets, which were said to be extremely weighty, down the mountain.  The rabbis then share multiple proof texts describing the prophets as both wealthy and humble people.

A new Mishna tells us that one who has vowed not to benefit from another can feed his wife and children.  The rabbis attempt to understand this Mishna through questioning the use of kosher and non-kosher animals.  Eliezer argues that is only alright to feed another person of a non-kosher animal.  An interesting conversation follows on the 'body' and the 'being' of an animal.  The ideas stated is that a non-kosher animal's being and body both belong to Heaven.  But a kosher animal's being belongs to G-d while its body belongs to people to be used as we like.  This is challenged: we use kosher and non-kosher animals as workers, as property to be sold. 

As an aside, we learn that one is permitted to give another person a cup of warm wine after leaving the bathhouse even if he is vowed not to benefit the other.  Why?  Because a cup of warm wine is such an important part of the bathhouse experience that it cannot be avoided.

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