Monday 21 July 2014

Megilla 11 Hu Achashverosh: Consistently Wishing to Rule the World

The rabbis walk through the Megilla, hoping to understand each statement and its significance.  For example, the name of Achashverosh is broken down and analyzed.  Out of many passages and words that are examined, one stands out for me.  That is the use of "hu" before the name of Achashverosh.  The rabbis note that we also see this pronoun used before the names of other 'great' leaders.  Avram, hu Avraham, or Avram, this is Avraham, is one example. The rabbis wonder why Achashverosh would be included in the company of Avraham, Moses, Aaron and King David.  They decide that 'hu' represents someone who was consistent in his character throughout his life.  Wicked or righteous.

The second part of today's daf looks at Achashverosh as one of the kings who 'ruled the world'.  The rabbis name a number of kings and assess whether or not they ruled the world.  The world was a very small place for our rabbis.  They name provinces that are close to each other and assume that the kings ruled between these two provinces, signifying that they ruled the world.  They count the numbers of provinces said to be held by each king, noting that the numbers do not always match.  Our rabbis also look at the number of years that each of these kings reigned.  

Again I find it fascinating to imagine a world where the Torah and all related writings were the basic, 'scientific' blueprints for everything that there was to know.  Although I know that many people still live according to this kind of understanding, most of us do not.  What are we missing as we search beyond Torah for truth?  And, of course, what are others missing when they confine themselves to the Torah in their search for truth?

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